Sport and entertainment drive the cultural discourse like no other. The opportunities for rights holders and brands to create compelling content, authentic stories and winning strategies are endless.

We have vast and unique experience of sourcing, negotiating and managing some of the biggest and high profile partnerships in sport.

We help brands and rights holders unlock value and accelerate business in sport.

We work with a diverse collection of organisations.

For brands and b2b orgnisations we can help navigate the complex world of sport rights and build relevant and credible partnerships to drive engagement, sales and deliver a real return on investment.

For rights holders, we can help commercialise assets effectively and build a commercial programme that drives revenue, membership, fan engagement plus digital & marketing support.

For anyone interested in the business of sport, we provide individual and team sports business training courses and workshops. From business transformation, leadership and developing high performing teams, through to supporting the next generation of sports business leaders.

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